Introduction to Basic Customer Segmentation in Python


Exercise: Expedia Hotel Booking Dataset Customer Segmentation

Read more at kaggle

CEO : My board meeting is coming up next week. I need to present :-

  • A report of underperforming and overperforming segments

  • How to tailor the new marketing campaigns for different cities next month?

  • How to improve the user booking rate?


# import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
# import scipy as sp
# import seaborn as sns
# import matplotlib as mpl
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from fastai.basics import *
from import *
import sklearn as sk
import bqplot as bq
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy import stats
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive

Read The Data

# kaggle competitions download -c expedia-hotel-recommendations
path = untar_data("kaggle_competitions::expedia-hotel-recommendations"); path
(#4) [Path('/Landmark2/pdo/.nlphero/data/expedia-hotel-recommendations/sample_submission.csv'),Path('/Landmark2/pdo/.nlphero/data/expedia-hotel-recommendations/test.csv'),Path('/Landmark2/pdo/.nlphero/data/expedia-hotel-recommendations/train.csv'),Path('/Landmark2/pdo/.nlphero/data/expedia-hotel-recommendations/destinations.csv')]
df_train = pd.read_csv(path/"train.csv", parse_dates=['date_time', 'srch_ci', 'srch_co']); df_train.head()
date_time site_name posa_continent user_location_country user_location_region user_location_city orig_destination_distance user_id is_mobile is_package ... srch_children_cnt srch_rm_cnt srch_destination_id srch_destination_type_id is_booking cnt hotel_continent hotel_country hotel_market hotel_cluster
0 2014-08-11 07:46:59 2 3 66 348 48862 2234.2641 12 0 1 ... 0 1 8250 1 0 3 2 50 628 1
1 2014-08-11 08:22:12 2 3 66 348 48862 2234.2641 12 0 1 ... 0 1 8250 1 1 1 2 50 628 1
2 2014-08-11 08:24:33 2 3 66 348 48862 2234.2641 12 0 0 ... 0 1 8250 1 0 1 2 50 628 1
3 2014-08-09 18:05:16 2 3 66 442 35390 913.1932 93 0 0 ... 0 1 14984 1 0 1 2 50 1457 80
4 2014-08-09 18:08:18 2 3 66 442 35390 913.6259 93 0 0 ... 0 1 14984 1 0 1 2 50 1457 21

5 rows × 24 columns

Basic Data Exploration

0 1 2 3 4
date_time 2014-08-11 07:46:59 2014-08-11 08:22:12 2014-08-11 08:24:33 2014-08-09 18:05:16 2014-08-09 18:08:18
site_name 2 2 2 2 2
posa_continent 3 3 3 3 3
user_location_country 66 66 66 66 66
user_location_region 348 348 348 442 442
user_location_city 48862 48862 48862 35390 35390
orig_destination_distance 2234.26 2234.26 2234.26 913.193 913.626
user_id 12 12 12 93 93
is_mobile 0 0 0 0 0
is_package 1 1 0 0 0
channel 9 9 9 3 3
srch_ci 2014-08-27 2014-08-29 2014-08-29 2014-11-23 2014-11-23
srch_co 2014-08-31 2014-09-02 2014-09-02 2014-11-28 2014-11-28
srch_adults_cnt 2 2 2 2 2
srch_children_cnt 0 0 0 0 0
srch_rm_cnt 1 1 1 1 1
srch_destination_id 8250 8250 8250 14984 14984
srch_destination_type_id 1 1 1 1 1
is_booking 0 1 0 0 0
cnt 3 1 1 1 1
hotel_continent 2 2 2 2 2
hotel_country 50 50 50 50 50
hotel_market 628 628 628 1457 1457
hotel_cluster 1 1 1 80 21
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 37670293 entries, 0 to 37670292
Data columns (total 24 columns):
 #   Column                     Dtype         
---  ------                     -----         
 0   date_time                  datetime64[ns]
 1   site_name                  int64         
 2   posa_continent             int64         
 3   user_location_country      int64         
 4   user_location_region       int64         
 5   user_location_city         int64         
 6   orig_destination_distance  float64       
 7   user_id                    int64         
 8   is_mobile                  int64         
 9   is_package                 int64         
 10  channel                    int64         
 11  srch_ci                    object        
 12  srch_co                    object        
 13  srch_adults_cnt            int64         
 14  srch_children_cnt          int64         
 15  srch_rm_cnt                int64         
 16  srch_destination_id        int64         
 17  srch_destination_type_id   int64         
 18  is_booking                 int64         
 19  cnt                        int64         
 20  hotel_continent            int64         
 21  hotel_country              int64         
 22  hotel_market               int64         
 23  hotel_cluster              int64         
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(20), object(2)
memory usage: 6.7+ GB
!ls -la {path}
total 4414434
drwxrwxrwx+  2 ubuntu ubuntu          0 Oct 25 08:38 .
drwxrwxrwx+ 18 ubuntu ubuntu          0 Oct 25 08:38 ..
-rwxrwxrwx+  1 ubuntu ubuntu  138159416 Oct 25 08:38 destinations.csv
-rwxrwxrwx+  1 ubuntu ubuntu   31756066 Oct 25 08:38 sample_submission.csv
-rwxrwxrwx+  1 ubuntu ubuntu  276554476 Oct 25 08:38 test.csv
-rwxrwxrwx+  1 ubuntu ubuntu 4070445781 Oct 25 08:40 train.csv
# df_train.describe()


Focus of this exersize is to learn about customer segmentation. We will start with a sample and come back to full dataset after formulating a methodology

Read Sample

df_sample = pd.read_csv("", parse_dates=['date_time', 'srch_ci', 'srch_co'], index_col=0)
24636210 19837144 13066459 4691082 4878884
date_time 2014-11-03 16:02:28 2013-03-13 19:25:01 2014-10-13 13:20:25 2013-11-05 10:40:34 2014-06-10 13:34:56
site_name 24 11 2 11 2
posa_continent 2 3 3 3 3
user_location_country 77 205 66 205 66
user_location_region 871 135 314 411 174
user_location_city 36643 38749 48562 52752 50644
orig_destination_distance 456.115 232.474 4468.27 171.602 NaN
user_id 792280 961995 495669 106611 596177
is_mobile 0 0 0 0 0
is_package 1 0 1 0 0
channel 1 9 9 0 9
srch_ci 2014-12-15 00:00:00 2013-03-13 00:00:00 2015-04-03 00:00:00 2013-11-07 00:00:00 2014-08-03 00:00:00
srch_co 2014-12-19 00:00:00 2013-03-14 00:00:00 2015-04-10 00:00:00 2013-11-08 00:00:00 2014-08-08 00:00:00
srch_adults_cnt 2 2 2 2 2
srch_children_cnt 0 0 0 0 1
srch_rm_cnt 1 1 1 1 1
srch_destination_id 8286 1842 8746 6210 12812
srch_destination_type_id 1 3 1 3 5
is_booking 0 0 0 1 0
cnt 1 1 1 1 1
hotel_continent 0 2 6 2 2
hotel_country 63 198 105 198 50
hotel_market 1258 786 29 1234 368
hotel_cluster 68 37 22 42 83

EDA-Descriptive Statistics

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 100000 entries, 24636210 to 1792721
Data columns (total 24 columns):
 #   Column                     Non-Null Count   Dtype         
---  ------                     --------------   -----         
 0   date_time                  100000 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   site_name                  100000 non-null  int64         
 2   posa_continent             100000 non-null  int64         
 3   user_location_country      100000 non-null  int64         
 4   user_location_region       100000 non-null  int64         
 5   user_location_city         100000 non-null  int64         
 6   orig_destination_distance  63915 non-null   float64       
 7   user_id                    100000 non-null  int64         
 8   is_mobile                  100000 non-null  int64         
 9   is_package                 100000 non-null  int64         
 10  channel                    100000 non-null  int64         
 11  srch_ci                    99878 non-null   datetime64[ns]
 12  srch_co                    99878 non-null   datetime64[ns]
 13  srch_adults_cnt            100000 non-null  int64         
 14  srch_children_cnt          100000 non-null  int64         
 15  srch_rm_cnt                100000 non-null  int64         
 16  srch_destination_id        100000 non-null  int64         
 17  srch_destination_type_id   100000 non-null  int64         
 18  is_booking                 100000 non-null  int64         
 19  cnt                        100000 non-null  int64         
 20  hotel_continent            100000 non-null  int64         
 21  hotel_country              100000 non-null  int64         
 22  hotel_market               100000 non-null  int64         
 23  hotel_cluster              100000 non-null  int64         
dtypes: datetime64[ns](3), float64(1), int64(20)
memory usage: 19.1 MB


  • Almost a third of orig_destination_distance is missing

  • Some rows are missing in srch_ci & srch_co. [~122]

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
site_name 100000.0 9.838570 11.996426 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 15.00000 5.300000e+01
posa_continent 100000.0 2.678150 0.749018 0.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.00000 4.000000e+00
user_location_country 100000.0 85.995070 59.292002 0.0000 66.0000 66.0000 70.00000 2.390000e+02
user_location_region 100000.0 308.636990 208.706581 0.0000 174.0000 314.0000 385.00000 1.025000e+03
user_location_city 100000.0 27676.391240 16768.647409 0.0000 12949.0000 27655.0000 42328.00000 5.650700e+04
orig_destination_distance 63915.0 1960.661721 2228.153377 0.0056 312.7921 1131.8353 2542.35935 1.196538e+04
user_id 100000.0 605438.332130 351615.377136 14.0000 298796.2500 602882.5000 915722.25000 1.198783e+06
is_mobile 100000.0 0.133770 0.340407 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 1.000000e+00
is_package 100000.0 0.248140 0.431936 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 1.000000e+00
channel 100000.0 5.858590 3.722823 0.0000 2.0000 9.0000 9.00000 1.000000e+01
srch_adults_cnt 100000.0 2.020710 0.909774 0.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.00000 9.000000e+00
srch_children_cnt 100000.0 0.336750 0.734449 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 9.000000e+00
srch_rm_cnt 100000.0 1.111750 0.451602 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00000 8.000000e+00
srch_destination_id 100000.0 14426.327380 11036.981220 4.0000 8267.0000 9145.0000 18784.00000 6.503500e+04
srch_destination_type_id 100000.0 2.577290 2.149263 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5.00000 9.000000e+00
is_booking 100000.0 0.079930 0.271186 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 1.000000e+00
cnt 100000.0 1.487980 1.280262 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2.00000 1.200000e+02
hotel_continent 100000.0 3.150920 1.620534 0.0000 2.0000 2.0000 4.00000 6.000000e+00
hotel_country 100000.0 81.093290 56.111519 0.0000 50.0000 50.0000 106.00000 2.120000e+02
hotel_market 100000.0 598.848330 510.959297 0.0000 158.0000 591.0000 701.00000 2.117000e+03
hotel_cluster 100000.0 49.860370 28.885423 0.0000 25.0000 49.0000 73.00000 9.900000e+01
df_sample['date_time'].min(), df_sample['date_time'].max()
(Timestamp('2013-01-07 00:33:47'), Timestamp('2014-12-31 23:47:14'))
df_sample['srch_ci'].min(), df_sample['srch_ci'].max()
(Timestamp('2013-01-07 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2016-05-10 00:00:00'))
df_sample['srch_co'].min(), df_sample['srch_co'].max()
(Timestamp('2013-01-08 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2016-05-13 00:00:00'))
date_time                    99886
site_name                       41
posa_continent                   5
user_location_country          201
user_location_region           779
user_location_city           10779
orig_destination_distance    62206
user_id                      88863
is_mobile                        2
is_package                       2
channel                         11
srch_ci                       1066
srch_co                       1068
srch_adults_cnt                 10
srch_children_cnt               10
srch_rm_cnt                      9
srch_destination_id           8827
srch_destination_type_id         8
is_booking                       2
cnt                             32
hotel_continent                  7
hotel_country                  178
hotel_market                  1843
hotel_cluster                  100
dtype: int64


Correlation between booking and hotel room

pd.crosstab(df_sample['is_booking'], df_sample['srch_rm_cnt'])
srch_rm_cnt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0 84425 6091 975 253 108 61 29 65
1 1 7248 580 102 42 9 6 1 4
0    1.000000
1    0.079064
2    0.086943
3    0.094708
4    0.142373
5    0.076923
6    0.089552
7    0.033333
8    0.057971
Name: is_booking, dtype: float64
srch_rm_cnt  is_booking
0            1                 1
1            0             84425
             1              7248
2            0              6091
             1               580
3            0               975
             1               102
4            0               253
             1                42
5            0               108
             1                 9
6            0                61
             1                 6
7            0                29
             1                 1
8            0                65
             1                 4
Name: is_booking, dtype: int64
0    1.000000
1    0.079064
2    0.086943
3    0.094708
4    0.142373
5    0.076923
6    0.089552
7    0.033333
8    0.057971
Name: is_booking, dtype: float64
site_name posa_continent user_location_country user_location_region user_location_city orig_destination_distance user_id is_mobile is_package channel ... srch_children_cnt srch_rm_cnt srch_destination_id srch_destination_type_id is_booking cnt hotel_continent hotel_country hotel_market hotel_cluster
site_name 1.000000 -0.637743 0.159283 0.130818 -0.013471 0.027609 0.030404 -0.005418 0.048820 -0.027780 ... -0.031962 0.016585 0.034895 -0.006934 -0.013460 0.022274 0.201760 0.263167 -0.068316 -0.026689
posa_continent -0.637743 1.000000 0.179726 -0.034647 0.039227 0.049808 -0.015209 0.016331 -0.093459 0.089680 ... 0.034453 -0.033712 -0.015535 0.037172 0.013319 -0.018952 -0.333578 -0.156578 0.049214 0.018297
user_location_country 0.159283 0.179726 1.000000 0.058496 0.122686 0.047689 -0.021091 0.003728 -0.025284 0.109999 ... 0.037101 0.000858 0.013486 0.028888 0.001284 0.003539 -0.063744 0.097624 0.015569 -0.011876
user_location_region 0.130818 -0.034647 0.058496 1.000000 0.132457 0.136560 0.002225 0.016982 0.040482 -0.001600 ... 0.014009 0.000254 0.022567 0.001376 0.000253 -0.007570 0.043027 -0.050301 0.040367 0.004984
user_location_city -0.013471 0.039227 0.122686 0.132457 1.000000 0.014178 -0.007989 -0.003741 0.013032 0.023497 ... 0.002638 -0.000694 0.000786 -0.004399 -0.002655 -0.002175 0.007759 -0.001987 0.008558 0.000102
orig_destination_distance 0.027609 0.049808 0.047689 0.136560 0.014178 1.000000 0.017015 -0.059464 0.041991 -0.000398 ... -0.059722 -0.012484 -0.036314 -0.042859 -0.033480 0.009483 0.416180 0.254321 -0.090112 0.003624
user_id 0.030404 -0.015209 -0.021091 0.002225 -0.007989 0.017015 1.000000 -0.011439 -0.018901 -0.003593 ... 0.002983 -0.001625 0.002716 0.007133 0.001561 0.001355 0.002447 0.008707 -0.002463 0.003202
is_mobile -0.005418 0.016331 0.003728 0.016982 -0.003741 -0.059464 -0.011439 1.000000 0.046903 -0.030770 ... 0.018211 -0.022565 -0.007140 -0.016039 -0.028623 0.008084 -0.024144 -0.029574 0.007644 0.012145
is_package 0.048820 -0.093459 -0.025284 0.040482 0.013032 0.041991 -0.018901 0.046903 1.000000 -0.011269 ... -0.037673 -0.036653 -0.146647 -0.224422 -0.081307 0.126500 0.108993 -0.044426 -0.014636 0.031399
channel -0.027780 0.089680 0.109999 -0.001600 0.023497 -0.000398 -0.003593 -0.030770 -0.011269 1.000000 ... 0.004202 0.010191 -0.000392 0.021612 0.025697 -0.010248 -0.022241 -0.001217 0.006164 0.002596
srch_adults_cnt -0.013405 0.012350 0.042526 0.005487 0.006628 -0.024039 -0.007370 0.016661 -0.024097 -0.014931 ... 0.107061 0.525970 0.005651 -0.012119 -0.046350 0.014024 -0.019355 -0.018169 0.010203 0.006482
srch_children_cnt -0.031962 0.034453 0.037101 0.014009 0.002638 -0.059722 0.002983 0.018211 -0.037673 0.004202 ... 1.000000 0.091711 -0.008784 -0.007217 -0.023228 0.019242 -0.061707 -0.045921 0.005056 0.021477
srch_rm_cnt 0.016585 -0.033712 0.000858 0.000254 -0.000694 -0.012484 -0.001625 -0.022565 -0.036653 0.010191 ... 0.091711 1.000000 0.018139 0.013618 0.009454 -0.000487 0.019150 0.011055 0.000104 -0.012177
srch_destination_id 0.034895 -0.015535 0.013486 0.022567 0.000786 -0.036314 0.002716 -0.007140 -0.146647 -0.000392 ... -0.008784 0.018139 1.000000 0.435605 0.027674 -0.021947 0.030365 0.053862 0.081240 -0.010406
srch_destination_type_id -0.006934 0.037172 0.028888 0.001376 -0.004399 -0.042859 0.007133 -0.016039 -0.224422 0.021612 ... -0.007217 0.013618 0.435605 1.000000 0.037398 -0.024544 -0.035655 -0.021522 0.035783 -0.033039
is_booking -0.013460 0.013319 0.001284 0.000253 -0.002655 -0.033480 0.001561 -0.028623 -0.081307 0.025697 ... -0.023228 0.009454 0.027674 0.037398 1.000000 -0.108628 -0.025629 -0.004763 0.012633 -0.018192
cnt 0.022274 -0.018952 0.003539 -0.007570 -0.002175 0.009483 0.001355 0.008084 0.126500 -0.010248 ... 0.019242 -0.000487 -0.021947 -0.024544 -0.108628 1.000000 0.020670 0.001443 -0.008747 -0.000607
hotel_continent 0.201760 -0.333578 -0.063744 0.043027 0.007759 0.416180 0.002447 -0.024144 0.108993 -0.022241 ... -0.061707 0.019150 0.030365 -0.035655 -0.025629 0.020670 1.000000 0.295991 -0.096278 -0.015632
hotel_country 0.263167 -0.156578 0.097624 -0.050301 -0.001987 0.254321 0.008707 -0.029574 -0.044426 -0.001217 ... -0.045921 0.011055 0.053862 -0.021522 -0.004763 0.001443 0.295991 1.000000 0.017868 -0.025002
hotel_market -0.068316 0.049214 0.015569 0.040367 0.008558 -0.090112 -0.002463 0.007644 -0.014636 0.006164 ... 0.005056 0.000104 0.081240 0.035783 0.012633 -0.008747 -0.096278 0.017868 1.000000 0.037060
hotel_cluster -0.026689 0.018297 -0.011876 0.004984 0.000102 0.003624 0.003202 0.012145 0.031399 0.002596 ... 0.021477 -0.012177 -0.010406 -0.033039 -0.018192 -0.000607 -0.015632 -0.025002 0.037060 1.000000

21 rows × 21 columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))
sns.heatmap(df_sample.corr(),ax =ax)
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7f34f56e0070>
selection = ['channel', 'is_booking', 'is_mobile', 'orig_destination_distance', 'srch_rm_cnt', 'srch_adults_cnt', 'srch_children_cnt']
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,12)); axes
ax1 = axes
sns.heatmap(df_sample[selection].corr(),ax =ax1)
sns.pairplot(df_sample[selection], hue="is_booking", height=2.5)
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7f33e88640a0>
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,12))
<ipython-input-73-88919a001020>:2: UserWarning: To output multiple subplots, the figure containing the passed axes is being cleared
# sns.kdeplot(df_sample[selection])

Distribution of number of Booking Attempts

df_userbooking = df_sample.groupby('user_id')['is_booking']\
user_id number_of_booking
0 14 1
1 38 1
2 40 1
3 156 2
4 160 1
... ... ...
88858 1198722 1
88859 1198742 1
88860 1198748 1
88861 1198776 1
88862 1198783 2

88863 rows × 2 columns

df_sample = df_sample.merge(df_userbooking)
0 1 2 3 4
date_time 2014-11-03 16:02:28 2014-07-28 23:50:54 2013-03-13 19:25:01 2014-10-13 13:20:25 2013-11-05 10:40:34
site_name 24 24 11 2 11
posa_continent 2 2 3 3 3
user_location_country 77 77 205 66 205
user_location_region 871 871 135 314 411
user_location_city 36643 36643 38749 48562 52752
orig_destination_distance 456.115 454.461 232.474 4468.27 171.602
user_id 792280 792280 961995 495669 106611
is_mobile 0 0 0 0 0
is_package 1 1 0 1 0
channel 1 9 9 9 0
srch_ci 2014-12-15 00:00:00 2014-08-26 00:00:00 2013-03-13 00:00:00 2015-04-03 00:00:00 2013-11-07 00:00:00
srch_co 2014-12-19 00:00:00 2014-08-31 00:00:00 2013-03-14 00:00:00 2015-04-10 00:00:00 2013-11-08 00:00:00
srch_adults_cnt 2 1 2 2 2
srch_children_cnt 0 0 0 0 0
srch_rm_cnt 1 1 1 1 1
srch_destination_id 8286 8286 1842 8746 6210
srch_destination_type_id 1 1 3 1 3
is_booking 0 0 0 0 1
cnt 1 1 1 1 1
hotel_continent 0 0 2 6 2
hotel_country 63 63 198 105 198
hotel_market 1258 1258 786 29 1234
hotel_cluster 68 14 37 22 42
number_of_booking 2 2 1 1 2
0.000000    80991
0.200000        5
0.250000       35
0.333333      153
0.400000        1
0.500000     1054
0.600000        1
0.666667       26
0.750000        1
1.000000     6596
Name: user_id, dtype: int64
.agg('count')).plot(x='mean', y='user_id')

EDA-Business Rules Validation

Remove columns with zero occupant

pd.crosstab(df_sample['srch_adults_cnt'], df_sample['srch_children_cnt'])
srch_children_cnt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 174 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 18749 2137 523 117 11 1 9 1 2 0
2 50736 7093 6529 972 208 14 7 1 0 0
3 3645 1131 469 131 27 5 2 2 0 2
4 3933 690 494 77 83 9 4 0 0 0
5 535 131 41 20 6 4 2 0 0 0
6 669 73 53 28 18 13 7 0 0 0
7 99 20 5 8 6 3 0 0 0 0
8 183 12 13 2 6 1 3 2 2 1
9 24 5 4 2 1 1 2 0 0 0
(df_sample['srch_adults_cnt']+df_sample['srch_children_cnt']) == 0
0        False
1        False
2        False
3        False
4        False
99995    False
99996    False
99997    False
99998    False
99999    False
Length: 100000, dtype: bool
df_sample = df_sample[(df_sample['srch_adults_cnt']+df_sample['srch_children_cnt']) > 0]

date_time site_name posa_continent user_location_country user_location_region user_location_city orig_destination_distance user_id is_mobile is_package ... srch_rm_cnt srch_destination_id srch_destination_type_id is_booking cnt hotel_continent hotel_country hotel_market hotel_cluster number_of_booking
0 2014-11-03 16:02:28 24 2 77 871 36643 456.1151 792280 0 1 ... 1 8286 1 0 1 0 63 1258 68 2
1 2014-07-28 23:50:54 24 2 77 871 36643 454.4611 792280 0 1 ... 1 8286 1 0 1 0 63 1258 14 2
2 2013-03-13 19:25:01 11 3 205 135 38749 232.4737 961995 0 0 ... 1 1842 3 0 1 2 198 786 37 1
3 2014-10-13 13:20:25 2 3 66 314 48562 4468.2720 495669 0 1 ... 1 8746 1 0 1 6 105 29 22 1
4 2013-11-05 10:40:34 11 3 205 411 52752 171.6021 106611 0 0 ... 1 6210 3 1 1 2 198 1234 42 2
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99995 2013-03-31 16:45:01 2 3 66 351 21609 1386.4061 858268 0 0 ... 1 762 6 0 1 2 50 503 91 1
99996 2013-09-29 14:09:07 2 3 66 462 49272 698.1395 957708 0 0 ... 1 12843 5 0 1 2 50 661 6 1
99997 2014-07-11 22:05:54 37 1 69 998 52849 NaN 814512 1 1 ... 3 18773 1 0 1 6 22 1794 38 1
99998 2013-07-02 01:03:12 2 3 66 246 28491 207.2549 881704 0 1 ... 1 8859 1 0 1 2 50 212 89 1
99999 2014-12-19 19:59:12 11 3 205 354 53478 1198.4359 845482 0 0 ... 1 11848 1 0 1 2 50 705 42 1

99826 rows × 25 columns

Create a date column

df_sample.loc[:,'date'] =df_sample['date_time']
0 1 2 3 4
date_time 2014-11-03 16:02:28 2014-07-28 23:50:54 2013-03-13 19:25:01 2014-10-13 13:20:25 2013-11-05 10:40:34
site_name 24 24 11 2 11
posa_continent 2 2 3 3 3
user_location_country 77 77 205 66 205
user_location_region 871 871 135 314 411
user_location_city 36643 36643 38749 48562 52752
orig_destination_distance 456.115 454.461 232.474 4468.27 171.602
user_id 792280 792280 961995 495669 106611
is_mobile 0 0 0 0 0
is_package 1 1 0 1 0
channel 1 9 9 9 0
srch_ci 2014-12-15 00:00:00 2014-08-26 00:00:00 2013-03-13 00:00:00 2015-04-03 00:00:00 2013-11-07 00:00:00
srch_co 2014-12-19 00:00:00 2014-08-31 00:00:00 2013-03-14 00:00:00 2015-04-10 00:00:00 2013-11-08 00:00:00
srch_adults_cnt 2 1 2 2 2
srch_children_cnt 0 0 0 0 0
srch_rm_cnt 1 1 1 1 1
srch_destination_id 8286 8286 1842 8746 6210
srch_destination_type_id 1 1 3 1 3
is_booking 0 0 0 0 1
cnt 1 1 1 1 1
hotel_continent 0 0 2 6 2
hotel_country 63 63 198 105 198
hotel_market 1258 1258 786 29 1234
hotel_cluster 68 14 37 22 42
number_of_booking 2 2 1 1 2
date 2014-11-03 2014-07-28 2013-03-13 2014-10-13 2013-11-05
(99826, 26)

Check booking date < check_in date < check out date

chk = df_sample[(df_sample['srch_ci']<df_sample['date']) |
          (df_sample['srch_co'] <df_sample['srch_ci'])]
(27, 26)

EDA - Create New Features

# duration 

df_sample['duration'] = (df_sample['srch_co'] - df_sample['srch_ci'])/ np.timedelta64(1, "D")
0        4.0
1        5.0
2        1.0
3        7.0
4        1.0
99995    4.0
99996    1.0
99997    7.0
99998    2.0
99999    3.0
Name: duration, Length: 99826, dtype: float64
df_sample.loc[df_sample['duration'] < 0, 'duration'] = np.nan
df_sample['days_in_advance'] = (df_sample['srch_ci'] - df_sample['date_time'])/  np.timedelta64(1, "D")
df_sample.loc[df_sample['days_in_advance'] < 0, 'days_in_advance'] = np.nan
0 1 2 3 4
date_time 2014-11-03 16:02:28 2014-07-28 23:50:54 2013-03-13 19:25:01 2014-10-13 13:20:25 2013-11-05 10:40:34
site_name 24 24 11 2 11
posa_continent 2 2 3 3 3
user_location_country 77 77 205 66 205
user_location_region 871 871 135 314 411
user_location_city 36643 36643 38749 48562 52752
orig_destination_distance 456.115 454.461 232.474 4468.27 171.602
user_id 792280 792280 961995 495669 106611
is_mobile 0 0 0 0 0
is_package 1 1 0 1 0
channel 1 9 9 9 0
srch_ci 2014-12-15 00:00:00 2014-08-26 00:00:00 2013-03-13 00:00:00 2015-04-03 00:00:00 2013-11-07 00:00:00
srch_co 2014-12-19 00:00:00 2014-08-31 00:00:00 2013-03-14 00:00:00 2015-04-10 00:00:00 2013-11-08 00:00:00
srch_adults_cnt 2 1 2 2 2
srch_children_cnt 0 0 0 0 0
srch_rm_cnt 1 1 1 1 1
srch_destination_id 8286 8286 1842 8746 6210
srch_destination_type_id 1 1 3 1 3
is_booking 0 0 0 0 1
cnt 1 1 1 1 1
hotel_continent 0 0 2 6 2
hotel_country 63 63 198 105 198
hotel_market 1258 1258 786 29 1234
hotel_cluster 68 14 37 22 42
number_of_booking 2 2 1 1 2
date 2014-11-03 2014-07-28 2013-03-13 2014-10-13 2013-11-05
duration 4 5 1 7 1
days_in_advance 41.3316 28.0063 NaN 171.444 1.55516

Underperforming and Overperforming Segments

Effect Size and Comparing to Mean

Here we are taking booking_rate per segment as our effect size.
Index(['date_time', 'site_name', 'posa_continent', 'user_location_country',
       'user_location_region', 'user_location_city',
       'orig_destination_distance', 'user_id', 'is_mobile', 'is_package',
       'channel', 'srch_ci', 'srch_co', 'srch_adults_cnt', 'srch_children_cnt',
       'srch_rm_cnt', 'srch_destination_id', 'srch_destination_type_id',
       'is_booking', 'cnt', 'hotel_continent', 'hotel_country', 'hotel_market',
       'hotel_cluster', 'number_of_booking', 'date', 'duration',
cat_list = ['site_name', 'posa_continent', 'user_location_country',
       'user_location_region', 'user_location_city','channel', 
       'srch_destination_id', 'srch_destination_type_id',
       'hotel_continent', 'hotel_country', 'hotel_market',
.agg(booking_rate='mean', num_of_bookings='sum')\
channel booking_rate num_of_bookings
7 7 0.043263 35
8 8 0.051852 14
3 3 0.060482 266
2 2 0.060583 474
6 6 0.068323 11
1 1 0.069568 713
0 0 0.072184 901
9 9 0.085365 4719
5 5 0.094533 581
4 4 0.120438 264
10 10 0.200000 3
def display_ranking(cat=cat_list):
    .agg(booking_rate='mean', num_of_bookings='sum')\
    .sort_values(by='booking_rate',  ascending=False))
## Population Booking Rate



Looking at the data above we can see 4,5,9, 10 performing more than the population mean. However we need to ask the question are they really significant or just by chance?

Two Sample T-Test

  • Samples coming from 2 different group

  • Check each group for inference condition

    • Randomness

    • Independence n*p <= 10 n(1-p) <= 10

    • Normal

      • Sampled with Replacement

      • Sample size <= 10%N ( population)

  • Assign a signifance and confidence level ( for calculaing z*)

  • Calculate Confidence interval

    \(CI = \hat{p}_1 - \hat{p}_1 \pm z^*\sqrt{ \frac{\hat{p}_1(1-\hat{p}_1)}{n_1}+ \frac{\hat{p}_2(1-\hat{p}_2)}{n_2}} \)

  • Calculate pvalue & t-test

channel average bookings
0 0 0.072184 12482
1 1 0.069568 10249
2 2 0.060583 7824
3 3 0.060482 4398
4 4 0.120438 2192
5 5 0.094533 6146
6 6 0.068323 161
7 7 0.043263 809
8 8 0.051852 270
9 9 0.085365 55280
10 10 0.200000 15
def stat_comparison(cat, df):
    cat =  df.groupby(cat)['is_booking']\
    cat['overall_average'] = df['is_booking'].mean()
    cat['overall_bookings'] = df['is_booking'].count()
    cat['rest_bookings'] = cat['overall_bookings']-cat['sub_bookings']
    cat['rest_average'] = (cat['overall_bookings']*cat['overall_average']- cat['sub_bookings']*cat['sub_average'])/cat['rest_bookings']
    cat['z_score'] = (cat['sub_average']-cat['rest_average'])/\
    cat['prob'] = np.around(stats.norm.cdf(cat['z_score']), decimals=10)
    def significant(x):
        if x >0.9:
            return 1
        elif x < 0.1:
            return -1
            return 0
    cat['significant'] = cat['prob'].apply(significant)
    return cat
stat_comparison('channel', df_sample)
channel sub_average sub_bookings overall_average overall_bookings rest_bookings rest_average z_score prob significant
0 0 0.072184 12482 0.079949 99826 87344 0.081059 -3.419680 3.134747e-04 -1
1 1 0.069568 10249 0.079949 99826 89577 0.081137 -4.090773 2.149690e-05 -1
2 2 0.060583 7824 0.079949 99826 92002 0.081596 -6.579173 0.000000e+00 -1
3 3 0.060482 4398 0.079949 99826 95428 0.080846 -4.868548 5.621000e-07 -1
4 4 0.120438 2192 0.079949 99826 97634 0.079040 7.067474 1.000000e+00 1
5 5 0.094533 6146 0.079949 99826 93680 0.078992 4.351672 9.999932e-01 1
6 6 0.068323 161 0.079949 99826 99665 0.079968 -0.544360 2.930970e-01 0
7 7 0.043263 809 0.079949 99826 99017 0.080249 -3.863018 5.599740e-05 -1
8 8 0.051852 270 0.079949 99826 99556 0.080025 -1.704595 4.413499e-02 -1
9 9 0.085365 55280 0.079949 99826 44546 0.073228 7.028968 1.000000e+00 1
10 10 0.200000 15 0.079949 99826 99811 0.079931 1.714474 9.567791e-01 1
def review_stats(cat=cat_list):
    return stat_comparison(cat, df_sample)


From above we can find significantly affected channel / cities/ region

Clustering - What are similar user cities?

Step1. What are the features I am going to use? (that makes sense)

  • What features may distinguish cities based on business sense and exploratory analysis

# Numerical Features
Index(['date_time', 'site_name', 'posa_continent', 'user_location_country',
       'user_location_region', 'user_location_city',
       'orig_destination_distance', 'user_id', 'is_mobile', 'is_package',
       'channel', 'srch_ci', 'srch_co', 'srch_adults_cnt', 'srch_children_cnt',
       'srch_rm_cnt', 'srch_destination_id', 'srch_destination_type_id',
       'is_booking', 'cnt', 'hotel_continent', 'hotel_country', 'hotel_market',
       'hotel_cluster', 'number_of_booking', 'date', 'duration',
num_list = ['orig_destination_distance',  'is_mobile', 'is_package',
       'srch_adults_cnt', 'srch_children_cnt',
       'srch_rm_cnt', 'duration',

city_data = df_sample[['user_location_city']+num_list].dropna(axis=0)
user_location_city orig_destination_distance is_mobile is_package srch_adults_cnt srch_children_cnt srch_rm_cnt duration days_in_advance
0 36643 456.1151 0 1 2 0 1 4.0 41.331620
1 36643 454.4611 0 1 1 0 1 5.0 28.006319
3 48562 4468.2720 0 1 2 0 1 7.0 171.444155
4 52752 171.6021 0 0 2 0 1 1.0 1.555162
5 54864 209.6633 0 0 1 0 1 3.0 6.484433
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99993 36878 368.5449 0 0 1 0 1 1.0 9.359387
99995 21609 1386.4061 0 0 2 0 1 4.0 96.302072
99996 49272 698.1395 0 0 1 0 1 1.0 0.410336
99998 28491 207.2549 0 1 2 0 1 2.0 10.956111
99999 53478 1198.4359 0 0 2 1 1 3.0 11.167222

61554 rows × 9 columns

city_groups = city_data.groupby('user_location_city')\
.mean().reset_index().dropna(); city_groups
user_location_city orig_destination_distance is_mobile is_package srch_adults_cnt srch_children_cnt srch_rm_cnt duration days_in_advance
0 0 2315.836250 0.000000 0.250000 1.750000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 77.959358
1 3 3451.384159 0.058824 0.294118 1.941176 0.470588 1.000000 4.294118 87.139739
2 7 5994.864000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.000000 1.000000 14.000000 57.287755
3 14 5342.819100 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.750000 1.000000 7.000000 35.206548
4 21 2165.768900 0.000000 0.500000 1.500000 1.000000 1.000000 5.000000 30.946875
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4480 56472 1394.624100 0.214286 0.357143 2.000000 0.285714 1.142857 3.285714 83.805879
4481 56488 5930.875650 0.000000 0.000000 1.500000 0.000000 1.000000 6.000000 130.960440
4482 56498 3288.597750 0.500000 0.500000 3.000000 1.000000 1.500000 4.500000 49.570741
4483 56505 1370.771600 1.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 22.968461
4484 56507 1941.016580 0.400000 0.600000 2.600000 0.400000 1.400000 5.000000 127.597354

4485 rows × 9 columns

Step2. Standardize the data

What is magnitude of data range ?

city_groups_std =  city_groups.copy()
sc = StandardScaler()
city_groups_std.loc[:, num_list]= sc.fit_transform(city_groups_std[num_list])
user_location_city orig_destination_distance is_mobile is_package srch_adults_cnt srch_children_cnt srch_rm_cnt duration days_in_advance
0 0 0.295943 -0.583534 -0.030898 -0.510201 -0.684278 -0.325406 -0.676476 0.438680
1 3 0.997273 -0.321107 0.112882 -0.215089 0.183626 -0.325406 0.417193 0.636132
2 7 2.568161 -0.583534 2.413358 -0.124285 -0.684278 -0.325406 5.044256 -0.005927
3 14 2.165449 -0.583534 -0.845650 -0.124285 0.698944 -0.325406 1.707162 -0.480852
4 21 0.203260 -0.583534 0.783854 -0.896118 1.160018 -0.325406 0.753707 -0.572470
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4480 56472 -0.273010 0.372450 0.318282 -0.124285 -0.157336 0.063454 -0.063540 0.564427
4481 56488 2.528641 -0.583534 -0.845650 -0.896118 -0.684278 -0.325406 1.230435 1.578633
4482 56498 0.896734 1.647094 0.783854 1.419380 1.160018 1.035602 0.515343 -0.171906
4483 56505 -0.287742 3.877723 -0.845650 -0.124285 -0.684278 -0.325406 -0.676476 -0.744070
4484 56507 0.064449 1.200969 1.109755 0.801914 0.053441 0.763400 0.753707 1.506299

4485 rows × 9 columns

km = KMeans(n_clusters=3, max_iter=300, random_state=None)
city_groups_std['cluster'] = km.fit_predict(city_groups_std[num_list])
user_location_city orig_destination_distance is_mobile is_package srch_adults_cnt srch_children_cnt srch_rm_cnt duration days_in_advance cluster
0 0 0.295943 -0.583534 -0.030898 -0.510201 -0.684278 -0.325406 -0.676476 0.438680 0
1 3 0.997273 -0.321107 0.112882 -0.215089 0.183626 -0.325406 0.417193 0.636132 2
2 7 2.568161 -0.583534 2.413358 -0.124285 -0.684278 -0.325406 5.044256 -0.005927 2
3 14 2.165449 -0.583534 -0.845650 -0.124285 0.698944 -0.325406 1.707162 -0.480852 2
4 21 0.203260 -0.583534 0.783854 -0.896118 1.160018 -0.325406 0.753707 -0.572470 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4480 56472 -0.273010 0.372450 0.318282 -0.124285 -0.157336 0.063454 -0.063540 0.564427 0
4481 56488 2.528641 -0.583534 -0.845650 -0.896118 -0.684278 -0.325406 1.230435 1.578633 2
4482 56498 0.896734 1.647094 0.783854 1.419380 1.160018 1.035602 0.515343 -0.171906 2
4483 56505 -0.287742 3.877723 -0.845650 -0.124285 -0.684278 -0.325406 -0.676476 -0.744070 0
4484 56507 0.064449 1.200969 1.109755 0.801914 0.053441 0.763400 0.753707 1.506299 2

4485 rows × 10 columns

Step3. Select clustering method and number of clusters

list(range(2, 11))
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
df_cluster_scorer = pd.DataFrame()
df_cluster_scorer['n_clusters'] = list(range(2, 21))
def score(n_clusters, df, features):
    km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, max_iter=300, random_state=None)
    X = df[features]
    labels = km.fit_predict(X)
    SSE = km.inertia_
    Silhouette = metrics.silhouette_score(X, labels)
    CHS = metrics.calinski_harabasz_score(X, labels)
    DBS = metrics.davies_bouldin_score(X, labels)
    return {'SSE':SSE, 'Silhouette': Silhouette, 'Calinski_Harabasz': CHS, 'Davies_Bouldin':DBS, 'model':km}
score(3,city_groups_std, num_list)
{'SSE': 27710.665681039078,
 'Silhouette': 0.2627460302851151,
 'Calinski_Harabasz': 660.6663081740991,
 'Davies_Bouldin': 1.7603028939928969,
 'model': KMeans(n_clusters=3)}
df_cluster_scorer['Calinski_Harabasz'], df_cluster_scorer['Davies_Bouldin'],\
df_cluster_scorer['model'] = zip(*df_cluster_scorer['n_clusters'].map(lambda row: score(row, city_groups_std, num_list).values()))

n_clusters SSE Silhouette Calinski_Harabasz Davies_Bouldin model
0 2 31356.632019 0.251428 646.700214 2.102368 KMeans(n_clusters=2)
1 3 27710.643740 0.262784 660.670386 1.760638 KMeans(n_clusters=3)
2 4 25274.767410 0.247363 626.741372 1.594434 KMeans(n_clusters=4)
3 5 23028.000458 0.265498 625.076225 1.460516 KMeans(n_clusters=5)
4 6 21442.540001 0.273858 603.152500 1.362168 KMeans(n_clusters=6)
5 7 20084.386296 0.154472 586.966244 1.438337 KMeans(n_clusters=7)
6 8 18904.542702 0.163691 574.308025 1.394910 KMeans()
7 9 17749.043623 0.168539 571.539792 1.369433 KMeans(n_clusters=9)
8 10 16963.355795 0.174827 554.476130 1.326198 KMeans(n_clusters=10)
9 11 16430.618280 0.174942 529.602262 1.401950 KMeans(n_clusters=11)
10 12 15692.925235 0.183482 523.091274 1.362996 KMeans(n_clusters=12)
11 13 15162.305849 0.167418 509.209753 1.403024 KMeans(n_clusters=13)
12 14 14726.863496 0.127382 494.000916 1.468960 KMeans(n_clusters=14)
13 15 14244.740729 0.164447 484.939934 1.421487 KMeans(n_clusters=15)
14 16 13940.977401 0.141971 468.860714 1.476356 KMeans(n_clusters=16)
15 17 13637.438010 0.172236 455.455632 1.422667 KMeans(n_clusters=17)
16 18 13259.476331 0.156201 448.276811 1.398571 KMeans(n_clusters=18)
17 19 13042.270028 0.145194 434.458776 1.408099 KMeans(n_clusters=19)
18 20 12738.974719 0.172705 426.890002 1.372609 KMeans(n_clusters=20)
df_cluster_scorer.plot.line(subplots=True,x ='n_clusters', figsize=(12,12))
       <AxesSubplot:xlabel='n_clusters'>], dtype=object)
df_cluster_scorer.plot.line(y='SSE',x ='n_clusters',logy=True, figsize=(12,3))

Visualize the cluster

pca = PCA(n_components=2, whiten=True)[num_list])
PCA(n_components=2, whiten=True)
array([[ 0.09362892, -0.52372539],
       [ 0.84601865, -0.14918922],
       [ 3.82881756, -0.1731645 ],
       [ 0.46338984,  1.53211431],
       [-0.97116177, -0.50927138],
       [ 1.16965175,  1.06541916]])
city_groups_std['x'], city_groups_std['y'] = zip(*(pca.fit_transform(city_groups_std[num_list])))
plt.scatter(city_groups_std['x'], city_groups_std['y'], c=city_groups_std['cluster'])
def show_clusters(n=(2,20)):
    model = df_cluster_scorer[df_cluster_scorer['n_clusters']==n]['model'].values[0]
    labels = model.predict(city_groups_std[num_list])
    plt.scatter(city_groups_std['x'], city_groups_std['y'], c=labels)
    plt.title(f"Cluster {n}")

Step4. Profile the cluster

city_groups.merge(city_groups_std[['user_location_city', 'cluster']]).groupby('cluster').mean()
user_location_city orig_destination_distance is_mobile is_package srch_adults_cnt srch_children_cnt srch_rm_cnt duration days_in_advance
0 28059.919851 1390.514992 0.137752 0.184819 1.994703 0.377777 1.069875 2.794248 42.493643
1 31017.981928 1525.042593 0.115663 0.196687 4.084940 0.567671 2.412249 3.069378 55.478239
2 28893.937273 3189.285509 0.112741 0.487444 2.029138 0.321586 1.069821 5.300009 101.977415

Step 5: assess the statistical robustness

A statistically robust segmentation return similar results using different clustering methodologies